Maine seeing surge of scary drug

called Spice

Heroin's New Reach

Towns try to stop wave of heroin overdoses

Drug Treatment saves N.Y. money

Drug Court Outcomes

New Hampshire Specialty Court Annual Conference  

Sept 13, 2013

Sponsor Information

Sponsor Request Form

Press Release

9/27/2013: Thank you to all presenters, attendees, organizers, sponsors, and volunteers for making this conference a well worthwhile event. 

  • Tackling The Tough Issues Trauma

  • Co-Occurring Disorders

  • Veterans Courts

  • Medication Assisted Treatment

  • Synthetic Drugs


ou are invited to the following conference:  NEADCP: Drug Courts: Where Justice and Treatment Meet.



Wednesday, October 1, 2014 - Thursday, October 2, 2014
8:15 AM to 4:45 PM


Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel
181 Boston Post Road West, Route 20 WEST, Marlborough, Massachusetts

For further information and to register: Click here for event summary.   Register today!

Veteran's and PTSD.pdf

Annual Conference:

To Sponsor,

Click here

See the new Blog

                        2019 Conference


Click here for Program Book

Click here for Agenda only

    For slides, Click on underlined Presentations below:

November 20, 2019


Workshop Session I


A1.  Challenges to Taking the 1st Step:  Engaging the Veteran Population in Treatment Courts

A2.  Equity and Inclusion in Problem Solving Courts

A3.  That’s Confidential:  The Roles and Responsibilities of Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys in Treatment Courts

A4.  Is Marijuana Medicine?  What We Know, What We Don’t and How Treatment Courts Can Respond

A5.  Identifying Risk Factors and the Use of Cognitive Based Techniques in the Federal Drug Courts

A6.  High on Our Highways – The Challenge of Drug Impaired Driving and Community Supervision

A7.  Celebrating Families! – Early Intervention Service Model Essential to Success in Drug Court

A8.  Drug Court/Jail Collaboration: Special Considerations for Opioid Agonist Treatment for Justice-Involved Populations

A9.  How Treatment Courts Can Co-exist in a Community

A10.  Overview of Forensic Toxicology

A11.  The Vet Center and Drug Court/Veteran Court Relationship

A12.  Community Provider Organizations Responses to Opioid Use Disorder:  Understanding Best Practices and Developmentally Appropriate Interventions in Management of Opioid Use Disorder Patients


Workshop Session II


B1.  Meeting Veteran Population Needs Outside of the VA

B2.  What’s Old is New Again: Assessing and Treating Complex PTSD in Adults

B3.  The Drug Evaluation and Classification Program/Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Program

B4.  An Evaluation of Federal Support in Connecticut

B5.  Engagement in Collaborative Treatment: MRT for Opioid Programs

B6.  The Invisible Handicap: Identifying and Responding to the Needs of Persons with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Drug Courts

B7.  Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:  What’s the Difference?

B8.  Engaging Young Black Males:  H.E.A.T (Habilitation Empowerment Accountability Therapy)

B9.  Strength Through Difference: An Assessment of Collaboration and Conflict in Multidisciplinary Drug Court Teams

B10.  Rhode Island Veterans Treatment Court – Veteran Mentor Program

B11.  Comprehensive Approach to Addiction Treatment

B12. Intelligent Recovery:  How Technology and Analytics Improve Drug Court Results


Workshop Session III


C1.  How to Develop Effective Multidisciplinary Teams

C2.  Sanctions and Incentives

C3.  The Role of Forensic Toxicology in Drug Impaired Driving Cases

C4.  Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Unsurprising Place in Drug Courts

C5.  Reaching the 33%:  How Do We Stop the High-Risk Impaired Driver?

C6.  Risk-Need-Responsivity in Drug Courts:  Using Data on Program Operations to Strengthen Implementation

C7.  Wisdom of the Group: Practices in Effective Meeting Facilitation

C8.  Lessons from the Field: National Trends and Promising Practices in Veterans Treatment Courts

C9.  Engaging Young Black Males:  H.E.A.T (Habilitation Empowerment Accountability Therapy)

C10.  Mental Health Courts

C11.  Recovery Oriented Systems of Criminal Justice

C12.  Technology in Treatment Courts:  How Technology Can Address, Supervision and Training Goals


November 21, 2019


P1. Resistant To Treatment? The Powerful Combination of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)

P2.  Complex Cases Facing Drug Courts: Understanding Current Issues and Challenges of Drug and Other Specialty Courts

P3.  The Science of Bias: How Cognition and Motivation Impact Judgment

P4.  High in Plain Sight: Current Alcohol and Drug Culture, Trends and Identifiers

P5.  Harm Reduction, Supervised Consumption and the Drug Court Model

P6. Combatting the Opioid Epidemic Utilizing Medicated Assisted Treatment While Incarcerated

P7.  Leveraging New Policy Opportunities to Promote Greater Health and Justice

P8. Opiates and Opioids:  From the Sumerians to the Fentayls


Workshop Session I


D1.  Working with Methamphetamine Offenders

D2.  Try a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) on Your Treatment Team?

D3.  Transcending Self Therapy:  A New Integrative Holistic Treatment for Substance Abuse

D4.  The Matter of Motivation: Motivational Interviewing for Treatment Courts

D5.  Designer Drugs: You Can’t Stop What You Don’t Know

D6.  When Theory Meets Practice:  Exploring Strategies to Reduce Biased Judgments

D7.  The Treatment Pathways Program

D8.  Lessons from the Field: In-depth examination of VTC eligibility criteria and target population

D9.  Restorative Processes for Treatment Court Teams: Building Trust and Improving Professional Relationships

D10.  Prison to Practice – Vermont’s Solution

D11.  CCAR Recovery Coach Workshop

D12.  Protecting Public Safety: The Recovery Alliance, Career Balance and Building Alternative Programs


Meet your board members on the new NEADCP blog.  Every month a new interview will be posted from one of the six New England states, highlighting a board member from that particular state.  In our interviews you will learn:


  • the board’s views on MAT;

  • which New England State is poised to impact the national conversation on treatment courts;

  • where the first stand-alone DUI court is in New England

  • where the Veterans courts are and what are they are doing

  • and so much more!


We also want to hear from you.  Post a comment; connect with your board; ask questions; see our first interview with Hon. Robert P. Ziemian, President, NEADCP.  Then look for us in person at the September conference -- “WHERE JUSTICE AND TREATMENT MEET: FACING COMPLEX ISSUES” --   to keep the conversation going.



                        2019 Conference

Click here for: Program Book

Click here for: Agenda only

    For slides, Click on underlined Presentations below: (goes live Nov 20)

November 20, 2019


Workshop Session I


A1.  Challenges to Taking the 1st Step:  Engaging the Veteran Population in Treatment Courts

A2.  Equity and Inclusion in Problem Solving Courts

A3.  That’s Confidential:  The Roles and Responsibilities of Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys in Treatment Courts

A4.  Is Marijuana Medicine?  What We Know, What We Don’t and How Treatment Courts Can Respond

A5.  Identifying Risk Factors and the Use of Cognitive Based Techniques in the Federal Drug Courts

A6.  High on Our Highways – The Challenge of Drug-Impaired Driving and Community Supervision

A7.  Celebrating Families! – Early Intervention Service Model Essential to Success in Drug Court

A8.  Drug Court/Jail Collaboration: Special Considerations for Opioid Agonist Treatment for Justice-Involved Populations

A9.  How Treatment Courts Can Co-exist in a Community

A10.  Overview of Forensic Toxicology

A11.  The Vet Center and Drug Court/Veteran Court Relationship

A12.  Community Provider Organizations Responses to Opioid Use Disorder:  Understanding Best Practices and Developmentally Appropriate Interventions in Management of Opioid Use Disorder Patients


Workshop Session II


B1.  Meeting Veteran Population Needs Outside of the VA

B2.  What’s Old is New Again: Assessing and Treating Complex PTSD in Adults

B3.  The Drug Evaluation and Classification Program/Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Program

B4.  An Evaluation of Federal Support in Connecticut

B5.  Engagement in Collaborative Treatment: MRT for Opioid Programs

B6.  The Invisible Handicap: Identifying and Responding to the Needs of Persons with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Drug Courts

B7.  Equity, Diversity and Inclusion:  What’s the Difference?

B8.  Engaging Young Black Males:  H.E.A.T (Habilitation Empowerment Accountability Therapy)

B9.  Strength Through Difference: An Assessment of Collaboration and Conflict in Multidisciplinary Drug Court Teams

B10.  Rhode Island Veterans Treatment Court – Veteran Mentor Program

B11.  Comprehensive Approach to Addiction Treatment

B12. Intelligent Recovery:  How Technology and Analytics Improve Drug Court Results


Workshop Session III


C1.  How to Develop Effective Multidisciplinary Teams

C2.  Sanctions and Incentives

C3.  The Role of Forensic Toxicology in Drug Impaired Driving Cases

C4.  Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Unsurprising Place in Drug Courts

C5.  Reaching the 33%:  How Do We Stop the High-Risk Impaired Driver?

C6.  Risk-Need-Responsivity in Drug Courts:  Using Data on Program Operations to Strengthen Implementation

C7.  Wisdom of the Group: Practices in Effective Meeting Facilitation

C8.  Lessons from the Field: National Trends and Promising Practices in Veterans Treatment Courts

C9.  Engaging Young Black Males:  H.E.A.T (Habilitation Empowerment Accountability Therapy)

C10.  Mental Health Courts

C11.  Recovery Oriented Systems of Criminal Justice

C12.  Technology in Treatment Courts:  How Technology Can Address, Supervision and Training Goals


November 21, 2019


1. Resistant To Treatment? The Powerful Combination of Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)

2.  Complex Cases Facing Drug Courts: Understanding Current Issues and Challenges of Drug and Other Specialty Courts

3.  The Science of Bias: How Cognition and Motivation Impact Judgment

4.  High in Plain Sight: Current Alcohol and Drug Culture, Trends and Identifiers

5.  Harm Reduction, Supervised Consumption and the Drug Court Model

6. Combatting the Opioid Epidemic Utilizing Medicated Assisted Treatment While Incarcerated

7.  Leveraging New Policy Opportunities to Promote Greater Health and Justice

8. Opiates and Opioids:  From the Sumerians to the Fentayls


Workshop Session I


D1.  Working with Methamphetamine Offenders

D2.  Try a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) on Your Treatment Team?

D3.  Transcending Self Therapy:  A New Integrative Holistic Treatment for Substance Abuse

D4.  The Matter of Motivation: Motivational Interviewing for Treatment Courts

D5.  Designer Drugs: You Can’t Stop What You Don’t Know

D6.  When Theory Meets Practice:  Exploring Strategies to Reduce Biased Judgments

D7.  The Treatment Pathways Program

D8.  Lessons from the Field: In-depth examination of VTC eligibility criteria and target population

D9.  Restorative Processes for Treatment Court Teams: Building Trust and Improving Professional Relationships

D10.  Prison to Practice – Vermont’s Solution

D11.  CCAR Recovery Coach Workshop

D12.  Protecting Public Safety: The Recovery Alliance, Career Balance and Building Alternative Programs


                        2019 Conference



Click here for Program Book

Click here for Agenda only

     For slides of a session, Open the MEMBERS ONLY page.